Updated: GLAIVE Mini weapon builder system hits v2.0!

It’s out: v2.0 of GLAIVE Mini, my super-short, home-made system for building weapons in GURPS. (That’s “GLAIVE” as in “GURPS Light Arms Invention Expansion”.)

GLAIVE Mini remains what itโ€™s always been: A one-page system for generating GURPS damage and required ST for most any melee weapon. (Thereโ€™s a bonus second page, too, with an option for semibalanced weapons falling between GURPSโ€™ balanced and unbalanced weapons, along with system customization notes and a couple of odds and ends.)

Whatโ€™s new in GLAIVE Mini v2.0:

  • Notes addressing new weapon stats and options in GURPS Low-Tech. (Spoiler: GLAIVE Mini works even better with Low-Techโ€™s revised stats!)
  • A new mod: Poor Stabber, good for modeling wide or curved blades, or short spikes.
  • A revised and clarified explanation of how two-handed and unbalanced weapons work in GURPS.
  • Overall clean-up and improved organization.

Is GLAIVE Mini right for you?

Now that you know what GLAIVE Mini is, let me note clearly what it isnโ€™t:

  • GLAIVE Mini is not my proposal for an ideal weapon design system for GURPS.
  • GLAIVE Mini is designed to recreate existing GURPS weapons (primarily from theย Basic Set, with a nod to Low-Tech as well), not to rethink weapon stats from the ground up.

As such, hereโ€™s why you might not get big use from it:

  • GURPSโ€™ weapon tables are pretty darn packed as they are! Whatever sort of weapon youโ€™re looking for, chances are youโ€™ll find something close in Basic Set or another book.
  • While GURPSโ€™ weapon stats were (apparently) generated by the “eyeball it” method of balancing properties, not through some consistent system, they do a pretty good job with consistency! It’s hard to find a listed weapon that’s inexplicably inferior, or one so superior within its category that other offerings seem moot. New rules releases generally keep improving things, too. (An example: The Basic Setโ€™s cutlass provides one minor peeve, in that it offers the same goods as a shortsword, plus free brass knuckles, at a lower price and with no drawbacks. Low-Tech nicely remedies this with a higher price for the cutlass.)
  • GURPS has been rolling out rules for creating tiny or huge versions of weapons, one of the original omissions GLAIVE sought to fill. GURPSโ€™ rules are squirreled away here and there, and we may have to wait for Basic Set 5E to get them all in one place, but official rules do exist now.
  • GLAIVE Mini doesnโ€™t attempt to solve all the oddities and mysteries of GURPSโ€™ weapon offerings. For example, Iโ€™m not a fan of how the move from a short unbalanced weapon to a long unbalanced weapon in GURPS generally hits the wielder with a triple whammy: higher required ST, plus a requirement for two hands, plus unreadiness after a swing. GLAIVE Mini doesnโ€™t fix this with a smoother progression for these criteria. Likewise, it doesnโ€™t codify the seemingly-haphazard appearances of the “U” Parry on GURPS weapons, or provide a systematic way to determine a unique designโ€™s usable skills and appropriate defaults to other skills. These, and many other properties, remain something youโ€™ll have to eyeball.
  • Generation of weapon cost would be a fine addition to GLAIVE Mini, but thatโ€™s not part of the offering now!
  • By intentionally trying to replicate existing weapon table stats, GLAIVE Mini is decidedly human-centric. That is, unless you break out GURPSโ€™ separate rules for tiny beingsโ€™ weapons, a 0.25-lb. blade using GLAIVE Mini will โ€“ just as on GURPSโ€™ tables โ€“ inexplicably require a very human ST 5.

All right. That said, hereโ€™s why you might find GLAIVE Mini useful after all:

  • It remains a fine way to fill in gaps on the GURPS weapon tables. If you want a Pixieโ€™s or Giantโ€™s sword, GURPSโ€™ weapon scaling rules may be your best bet. But if you want, say, a human-scale longsword thatโ€™s just a wee lighter or heavier to custom match a given PCโ€™s brawn, GLAIVE Mini lets you create such a design with systematic consistency.
  • Likewise, where GLAIVE Mini results do veer a bit from the GURPS weapon tables, you may prefer its results! Redoing your campaignโ€™s weapon table entirely, knowing that all of the listings (as well as any future additions) are generated via a consistent design scheme, is the sort of thing some GMs like.
  • The new Semibalanced weapon option is nifty, and is simply right for designs like hard-chopping machetes or agile polearms. Give it a try!
  • Even where GLAIVE Mini doesnโ€™t address all the questions to be found in GURPSโ€™ weapon table stats, it does offer a few tools for standardizing things a bit. These include suggestions for handling stat oddities in flails and 1-hnd bastard swords, and the Semibalanced option for reworking other designs that seem a bit out of place.

So. If this sort of thing interests you, give GLAIVE Mini a shot! And let me know how it works for you.

(While weโ€™re at it, what would an ideal, clean-slate weapon design system for GURPS look like? I have plenty of thoughts on that, and maybe you do too! But Iโ€™ll save that as a topic for another time.)

Go get the goods

GLAIVE Mini page (notes and PDF file download)

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