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    More Star Frontiers goodness

    Ooh, here’s an accomplishment most trivial: This site’s Star Frontiers to GURPS 4e Conversion Notes page ranks #1 on a Google search for “star frontiers gurps”. That just might be my first first ever. There’s even more Dralasite-steeped goodness out there than I realized, though. Check out Star Frontiersman Magazine,ย a slick-looking magazine of all-new fan material, plus remastered versions of all the original books. (Edit 2024-09-22: Alas those book downloads are no more.) That’s some serious fandom at work! For the GURPSters, there’s another conversion page out there, GURPS Star Frontiers Conversion, a PDF that starts with this site’s conversion but makes changes where the author disagrees. (What items those would be, I…

  • general

    Star Frontiers to GURPS 4e conversion notes

    Star Patrol wants YOU! Got a Star Frontiers game you’d like to bring over to GURPS? (Okay, so that proposition made more sense in 1997. But do please play along.) Here are some notes to help those characters make the jump. First, a bit of intro It’s hard for me to say what I liked so much about Star Frontiers when I picked it up way back when. Part of it was production value: the books weren’t anything fancy (pretty primitive by today’s standards), but there was so much packed into the box: multiple books, maps, colored counters, more. A lot of components for a simple game. The game’s play…